

p.s 下にも書いたけど、そろそろネイティブと台頭にやりあえるだけの英語力を、つけたいと思っている。

The conference between Japan, Israel and Palestine finished last night. this 2 weeks was like a dream for me away from dairy life.
The conference gave me a lot of opportunities to think over how i’ll spend my life from next month (i’ll become 30 soon…)

Participants including Japanese students had strong passions towards peace and devoted themselves to it. Honestly, i have been losing those passions and tending to think of my company just as “business”, though i started up it for society.
I’ve always thought of profits for the past 2 years. that have actually made me exhausted cuz i’m not so interested in business itself though business is important for 30 employees of my company.
the conference reminded me of spring time of youth when i had a full of passions.

and, i learnt the importance of English, as i hadn’t spoken and listened English for a long time. i could say i usually take an initiative in Japanese discussion, but i could’t do it this time. i understood that language inferiority makes you look childish in both discussion and daily conversation.
also, some participants from Israel and Palestine had a great leadership not only because of English, but also because of their character. they always tried to make everyone enjoy and give members meaningful suggestions.

Before i joined the conference, i was thinking to stay just 2 days in the conference and then went to Philippines for vacation. but after staying 2 days at the conference, on second thought i cancelled a fright ticket and participated in all the conference.

actually this is the best choice that i’ve ever done in my life.

this conference started in 2003 and i was involved in the conference 2004, 2005, 2006 and this time
see more; http://jipsc.org/home_en.html


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